Daily Archives: March 28, 2011

Caregivers – Save Yourselves! Protect your health to protect the ones you love.

Family caregivers don’t start off planning to be on call 24 hours a day, to fill their days multi-tasking, eating on the run, and focusing their lives around the needs of someone else. Everyone knows that is an un-healthy lifestyle-ripe for stress related illnesses. Family caregivers are usually motivated by love and are responding to the needs of someone they love. Events and responsibilities sometimes become larger than one person can manage on their own. Some caregivers find ways and help to provide the care their loved one needs without harming their own physical and mental health, others don’t. The ones that don’t are at risk of health issues and pre-mature death.


A study in 1999 showed “that being a caregiver who is experiencing mental or emotional strain is an independent risk factor for mortality among elderly spousal caregivers. Caregivers who report strain associated with caregiving are more likely to die than noncaregiving controls. Those with disabled spouses but providing no help and those helping a disabled spouse but reporting no strain did not have significantly higher mortality rates than noncaregivers.” The differences were related to the physical and mental health of the care provider. 1 Continue reading